Whangamata beach walks
After a Xmas break with plenty of fun with friends and family, including scrumptious food and plenty of thirst quenching beverages, its time to get back into good habits.
I tried to exercise most days (probably ended up being 50/50) but got a few walks in at the beach which could be handy for the 90mile beach section! and mixed it up with a few bike rides. I also tried out a new pair of shoes “Merrell Allabout Blaze” My thoughts are they could be good for parts of the beach walk and definitely useful at the end of the day around camp, giving support and protection but also letting my feet breath. Foot care could make or break this journey!
Talking of Cycling, the main reason I dusted off my bike, (I don’t think I’ve used it in5-6 yeas) is to get a bit of practice in for the Otago rail trail, which we will be starting later this week! I don’t want to be so saddle sore that I can’t enjoy it!!! not sure how thats going to go though! I’ve managed about 10days over the last two weeks doing between 6 and 16km each session, and while I can definitely feel I’ve been on a bike I’m not walking like a cowboy yet! Need to get some of those padded cycle pants too! Thats going to be a real sexy look, but at my age I need to be as comfortable as I can, getting out of my comfort zone!!!
I’ll update you in a couple of weeks when I’m back from the trail, might even get this photo thing sorted in the meantime and post a picture of me in the saddle????
until next time